
Posts Tagged ‘weed-whacker’

100 Years Old and Going Strong!

July 19, 2011 1 comment

My friend Faity Tuttle is truly amazing.  My husband and I were thrilled to celebrate her 100th birthday with her last month.  About a third of the celebrants were children, grand-children and one adorable great-great.  Food and drink were plentiful, dancing and partying superb.  Here is Faity looking spectacular:

I have wanted to work in black and white film this summer and Faity agreed to let me photograph her everyday life at the historic farmhouse where she has spent July and August since the 1940’s.  Yesterday I met up with her as she was finishing her coffee,  having already taken her daily pre-breakfast walk.  When I asked about the plans for the day, she mentioned that the garden needed some work.  Faity proceeded to get her weed-whacker from the shed and whacked away at the borders, as I shot away with my big 6×7 film camera.   I was blown away.  Is she amazing???  I can’t wait to get the film back from the lab.


ps.  Check my post a year ago regarding Faity’s 99th birthday.